Tuesday, April 20, 2021



The Sierra Leone power sector suffers multiple problems of inadequate capacity and finance. Most of the population does not have access to electricity, and supply is often unreliable. At the same time the country has been trying to implement significant structural and economic reforms, aimed both at government policy objectives and more market-driven operation. The focus of the paper is to achieve a better understanding of current decision making processes and issues, in terms of their impact on inception, planning, and implementation of projects and on operations. This should assist consideration of organisation and governance for the sector. Key findings relate to the conflicting frameworks of market driven pressures and government or policy driven objectives, and lack of a clear pathway for change. Resulting problems include misaligned goals, un-clear or inconsistent communication channels and ambiguous responsibilities.

The final open access version of a recent article by Malcolm McCullough’s Oxford team on this subject is now available online. See link below. 

Stakeholder decision-making: Understanding Sierra Leone's energy sector 


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