Regulation and Coordination
Modern advanced economy power sectors
are typically a complex mix of competitive markets, technical and commercial
regulation, and natural monopoly elements, with the boundaries not always clear
cut (as when a high voltage interconnection is an alternative source of power competing
with new and existing generation). Technical regulation governs matters such as
equipment standards, while economic regulation controls charges levied by the
entities responsible for the networks (as natural monopolies), and, in the form
of competition law, also seeks to limit abuse of market power by generating
companies or suppliers. In addition, market structures have been introduced to
electricity system in many countries in the last three decades; the aim has
been to allow competitive forces to drive down energy users’ bills.
‘Ancillary service’ markets, which
deal mainly in power capability rather than energy, are designed to ensure
stability through the provision of services related to provision of reserves of
power, voltage control and reactive power, and frequency control, and system
protection, which are provided by means that include batteries, load management
and spinning reserves. Typically the purchaser of these services is the network
One of the biggest issues for our
low carbon future, however, will be to find the combinations of markets, formal
or informal regulation, direct interventions and other means to achieve coordination
within the sector, that can both deliver the efficient operation of a power
system (the balancing of supply and demand at least cost), and also provide the
incentives for the necessary investments.
In this context price signals may
either emanate from a competitive market or be offered by a system operator in
order to help meet the objectives and challenges described above. But it is
important to appreciate that reliance solely on prices in a properly
functioning market should be able to meet two distinct criteria; first it
should result in the most efficient use of the current capital stock, ie
deliver the optimised equivalent of merit order scheduling and dispatch.
Second, prices in that market, and expectations of their future course, should
provide sufficient incentive for the levels and types of investment that the
system requires. In other words the necessity for a market approach is to
deliver price signals that both result in the most efficient operation
of a system, and also provide the incentives for the right amounts and types of
Avoiding market failure
It is useful to review these two requirements,
for efficient operations and investment, through the perspectives of potential
for market failure in the power sector. Market failureoccurs when individual
incentives for rational behaviour do not lead to rational or acceptable
outcomes for society as a whole, and can occur for a variety of reasons. In the
worst cases it can result in systemic failure[1].
Society can no more afford systemic failure in relation to energy and climate
issues than it can in health and the financial sector.
- Failure to price in the carbon
Failure to reflect the “externality”
costs of the impact of emissions on climate is well established as the
“greatest market failure of all time” (Stern). It has been partially addressed
through the EU emissions trading scheme and UK carbon price support measures.
However these have been partial in sector coverage[2],
and, due to insufficient ambition or vested interest capture, have been quite
inadequate in relation to serious estimates of the cost of the externality[JR1] , or to incentivise more than a
small part of the investment required. There has been a rise in the carbon
price anticipating and responding to more ambitious EU targets for zero carbon,
but it remains the case that they are unlikely to reflect the “true” cost on
any of the several bases for estimation, or to be sufficient to induce the
changes required.
There are obvious reasons for the
limited willingness of governments to see higher carbon prices, not least the impact on consumer prices, but very
low prices, even under carbon pricing initiatives, have been a reality. That in
turn means that governments cannot and will not “leave it to the market” to
meet its climate objectives. However even in the absence of other
considerations, that reluctance provides a prime basis for interventionist and
non-market policies.
Inability to price emissions
adequately means that market solutions cannot work on their own. The theory[3] of
the second best[JR2] implies that once we have one major
failure in the market, we cannot assume that other policies, eg competition
policy, normally thought of as good, will actually improve welfare rather than
reduce it. In our context even the simplest type of energy market is likely to
produce the wrong outcomes for both operations and investment if social cost is
not properly priced in. For example the absence of an adequate carbon price
will have been responsible for the substitution gas back to coal in 2012 and
2013; this was a 30% increase in coal use for generation. And the absence of
domestic gas from the carbon pricing arrangements mitigates against
substitution of electricity for gas in domestic heating[JR3] .
Potential Remedies. The remedies are either much
higher carbon prices or major policy interventions. But any policy
interventions by government or regulator will inevitably have their own major
market impacts, and invalidate the assumption that investment can then realistically
be based on a “pure” market assessment.
- The general investment problem.
In simple terms, investors in new
generation facilities are typically dependent for their return on a revenue
stream over 20 or more years, starting after commissioning of the
new plant. In principle they can anticipate the projected revenues in an energy
only market, possibly augmented by premium prices in periods of scarcity.
Twenty year forecasts of power market spot prices may seem challenging or improbable. But the more
important point of principle is that even if the investors could anticipate
strong prices over many years ahead, that expectation would be undermined, not
just by subsequent competitive entry, but by support for that entry from the
regulator or from downstream utilities. Having sunk the costs of their capital
investment they are exposed to opportunistic actions by other parties who may
actually have an incentive to reduce the future revenue stream on which they
That is why investors in fixed
immobile assets typically require some form of long term contractual assurance.
[Typical infrastructure investors like pension or sovereign wealth funds are most
often seeking modest yield but very secure returns.] In other words reliance on
a spot market dominated by short term factors, for so-called “merchant plant”,
is a quite inadequate incentive for most investors in generation assets. Similar
arguments apply to storage, and to transmission investment, although this may
be in a slightly different regulatory framework, if that investment is made or
underwritten by a regulated utility.
Potential remedies. There are two main options. One is
inclusion of all major investment in a regulated utility framework
(traditionally vertically integrated monopoly) in which reasonably incurred
costs are passed to consumers. This is sometimes known as a regulated asset
base (RAB) approach. The second is long term contracts with, or commitment from,
a reliable counterparty. Typically the only plausible counterparty, apart from
a RAB utility, is usually the government.
In the UK network investments have in recent decades typically depended
on the former, and generation on the latter (via CfDs, feed in tariffs etc[JR4] ).
Either remedy is feasible but both inevitably
draw the monopoly utility or the government into strategic investment choices.
This is a long way from the theoretical paradigm of the fully liberalised
market, in which all decisions are taken in response only to price signals
emanating from the operation of a competitive market. In addition we should
note that successful resolution of the issue of long term investment and
policy/contractual/regulatory commitment will be an essential pre-condition for
financing infrastructure investments at the lowest possible cost of capital.
This affects both investment choices and affordability.
- The missing money problem.
This is not market failure per se
but just the simple observation that an “energy only” market built around a
“bid at marginal fuel cost” merit order cannot be guaranteed to sufficiently
reward capacity. This is demonstrated by the last peaking plant on the system
which runs for a few hours a year in which it earns revenue exactly equal to
its own expenditure on fuel, leaving nothing to pay for capital or other
spending. The phenomenon is accentuated for systems dominated by renewables
with zero marginal cost, or by nuclear plant which can have a negative SRMC,
but the problem is intrinsic to an “energy only” market model[4].
In competitive “energy only” markets
it is expected that spot prices will fall to the level of the short-run cost of
the last generator needed to meet demand at any time. But when more than enough
low marginal cost power is available to meet demand, which will be increasingly
often as the roles of wind and solar increases, these prices will be very low
(or even negative in situations with particular contractual terms or legacy
subsidy arrangements). This will undermine generators’ confidence that they can
recover their long-run costs, and thereby deter investment.
In essence an “energy only” market
may be able to deliver spot prices that meet the necessary conditions to ensure
efficient merit order operations, but will not normally provide prices that are
sufficient to incentivise new investment, our second requirement of a market, particularly
in the additional capacity necessary to ensure reliable supply. Sufficient
capacity is critical to the maintenance of adequate reliability standards and
security of supply.
Potential remedies. In principle this is remedied if prices
in the simple energy market based on bid marginal costs are augmented in one of
the following ways:
- An administered and precisely
specified price supplement at times of capacity shortage. This was the
route chosen in the UK 1990 privatisation, and was based on value of lost
load (VOLL). This is potentially open to market abuse, if market
participants withhold capacity in order to create price spikes.
- Allowing generators to exploit
scarcity and bid scarcity prices. This tends to attract political
criticism. It may also be seen as an abuse of market position, even if
entirely legitimate and economically justified.
- Scarcity prices set by consumer
choices (eg setting price limits at which their load is cut), ie bringing
the demand side much more into the market. This is prima facie attractive.
However, as indicated[JR5] earlier, we are a very long
way from this solution both in terms of technology and consumer education
and acceptance.
Importantly the missing money
problem can also be resolved as capacity payments within the long term
contracts discussed in 2 above. In other words if we resolve the general investment
problem through that route, the missing money issue becomes less relevant.
- Inconsistency of spot market
with efficient operations
This is simply a reflection of the
fact that traditional spot markets have been designed “by fossil for fossil”,
ie mainly by fossil generation economists, managers and engineers, to suit the
operation of fossil technology in which most plants are relatively flexible.
They are not automatically suitable for or adaptable to new technologies with
much more complex operating and intermittency constraints. Nuclear and tidal
power are possibly the low carbon examples with the most complex operating
constraints and cost structures currently, but CCS is likely to have some
similar features, while other renewables add a stochastic dimension.
A theoretical approach to this is to
examine the question of what conditions are necessary for an “optimised” most
efficient dispatch (by a perfect central planner) to be replicated by a price
mechanism and decentralised decision taking at plant level in response to those
prices. The conditions are broadly satisfied in traditional merit order systems
as these are approximated as simple linear optimisations. But complex
constraints and indivisibilities create what are known technically as
non-convex solution sets, which mean there is no set of prices that produces
the optimal outcome.
It is quite easy to construct numerical
examples which demonstrate the point, for example with any park of generators
that have to operate in either full-on or full-off mode, ie indivisibility.
Remedy. There is no obvious way round
this, since it essentially just reflects a mathematical logic, but one remedy would
be centrally optimised scheduling and dispatch. The problem is likely to become
more apparent as the complexities of managing low carbon systems grow (in the
manner described earlier). At present these complexities, and those already
associated with some fossil plant, can be dealt with through more or less
arbitrary fudges in any particular system. (Insertion of must run conditions
would be an example of a non-market driven fudge). While not an immediate
problem in the UK it is appropriate to recognise that this is likely to become
a serious issue as fossil plant progressively ceases to be the plant at the
margin, and scheduling and dispatch decisions increasingly relate to nuclear
and other more complex operating regimes (including storage) rather than simple
merit order ranking.
- Coordination
It is apparent that serious problems
are already being recognised. Most recently this has surfaced over the clear
need to coordinate offshore wind development with the transmission investment
necessary to bring it ashore[JR6] . But there are likely to be plenty
of other instances. One useful illustration arises from the benefits of
diversity in siting of wind facilities. An optimised least investment cost
solution would attach significant weight to the benefits of location choice
that provide a collection of sites with uncorrelated weather histories, which
offer a more secure protection against wind droughts, rather than just the
locations with least cost per kWh output on a levelized cost basis.
It has been suggested that energy wholesale
market prices could incentivise a coordinated solution in this case. This seems
fanciful, but it would perhaps be an easy enough proposition to submit to a
first simple test. We already have wholesale market prices over several years
that reflect weather variation, with lack of wind just one of a number of
factors leading to price spikes. Can we use these with any confidence to say
that particular sites, eg north-east versus south-west, would deliver output
profiles that were significantly less or more correlated with those price
spikes? This seems improbable, given the relatively low incidence of large
spikes, other than with many years of both weather and price data. This implies very long response times to
market signals further reducing the credibility of reliance on a market
The onus here should be on the need
to show that the energy-only market can or does deliver signals that are strong
enough to produce the right mix of all types of plant. But coordination issues
are much broader than this example, and extend into investment plans for heat
and transport..
Remedies. Various forms of informal
coordination within the sector, or a central direction of what types of
generation are the clear alternatives. Coordination needs to extend beyond
simple calls for capacity, probably implying some form of system planning in
the form of least cost expansion plans and models. Informal coordination raises
issues under competition law unless there is a derogation or a legal basis for
it, for example through the licensing regime.
- An inadequate retail market,
and other tariff issues
The UK retail market, in the decades
after privatisation, never achieved the direct reflection of wholesale market
price signals into retail price signals (especially for smaller consumers) that
would be necessary to produce the efficient outcomes we are looking for. Most
consumers are still charged on the basis of “load profiling” in which all
domestic load, for example, may be assumed to have the same time of use
profile. Although the sophistication of the retail market is now starting to increase,
and there may be a significant impetus from smart metering, the reflection of
system costs remains very limited. With
an unbundled system such as that of the UK, the absence of formal system planning
places even higher emphasis on cost reflective tariffs as a primary means of
coordination through the sector. If this is defective, and there are major
questions around network pricing as well as retail tariffs, then it cannot be
assumed that sole reliance on markets will achieve efficient and effective inclusion of the
consumer. This will matter more and more with future penetration into heat and
Remedy. Analysis elsewhere[5]
suggests the need for more sophisticated retail pricing and tariffs, and
redefinition of service requirements and the role of suppliers, perhaps
involving aggregators or similar. It is clear that thinking is moving to
recognise the importance of the consumer and the demand side in the future of
the sector. But the importance of tariff issues, and the management of the
demand side, deserves much more rigorous attention.
- Unfair practices
In most industries one of the
commonest forms of market failure arises from inadequate degrees of competition,
either through monopolies or abuse of market power. Electricity is not immune. Protection
of consumers against unfair practices, e.g. by suppliers tempted to
exploit temporary periods of shortage, in which they enjoy market power, or
other means to raise prices and gain excess profits, [6] is
likely to remain a source of potential concerns. Remedies through licence
conditions, competition and consumer protection law will remain.
- Reliability
Any failure to meet acceptable
standards of reliability will be regarded as a market failure. In principle
there are two approaches to the management of this risk.
The first is a regulatory approach
in which obligations are placed on suppliers to ensure that there is always
sufficient capacity. This is difficult
in a power system based on competing generators and suppliers, since it would
be impossible to assign responsibility for an overall system wide lack of
capacity. This responsibility can be placed on national or regional bodies charged[JR7]
with commissioning capacity, which in turn must determine the right reserve
margins, and balance security against cost.
Historically this led to the development of the concept of the value of
lost load (VOLL), or cost of supply failure, to value reliability. This approach,
in effect, sets out a planning requirement to be placed on a central authority,
or several more localised authorities in decentralised systems.
In the second approach, the value of
lost load – the VOLL concept – is translated into a pricing or market-based
approach. One option is a system of administered scarcity pricing, based on an
estimate of VOLL, which the UK introduced in 1990. However this suggests in
turn that the “scarcity price” could be determined in a market, in which
consumers can effectively nominate their own “VOLL”. High scarcity prices could
then limit demand to the available generation capacity available. It is not easy to put a value on the
avoidance of very rare, high impact periods. In practice most consumers,
especially smaller consumers, do not face real time pricing. Limitations of meters currently in use, and
in technical means for consumers to respond, make this unrealistic in the
immediate future. It is however likely that a low carbon future will require
much more sophisticated tariffs[JR8]
and will allow standards of reliability to be determined to a significant
extent by consumer choices. Even so,
conditions of severe shortage could result in price spikes at levels that
consumers and governments find unacceptable, and provoke regulatory
interventions. Reliability provision is one of the central, and difficult,
issues in looking at market arrangements, and is discussed further below.
and Coordination
Regulation remains a basic
requirement in terms of technical regulation and is still needed to cover the
natural monopoly elements of the power sector, the wires businesses, and to
include competition policy. There remain questions are as to how far formal
regulation, or other policy interventions, need to address the issues of
reliability and security of supply, or whether these can be met adequately
through reliance on electricity markets. As argued earlier[JR9]
problem of ensuring security arises in conditions which are likely to become
more common and more severe as the role of intermittent renewables grows.
and UK experience indicates that “energy only” electricity markets, in which
prices are driven by the variable short run marginal costs of generation, cannot
generally be relied upon to deliver sufficient amounts of capacity, and to
ensure that the system can always be operated in a stable manner and keep
frequency, voltage, and power loads within acceptable limits[JR10] .
In Great Britain[JR11] and many other countries, a centralised ‘capacity
market’ has been introduced which can be used to guarantee, within affordable limits,
that there is always enough power available to meet demand. However this is a
separate market in which key decisions are necessarily taken by a central body
that implicitly or explicitly lays down required standards of capacity adequacy,
and may then decide how much and what types of capacity are required. Depending
on the rules it sets (or fails to set) for capacity auctions, it will also have
a major impact on technical characteristics as well as the quantity of
generating capacity.
advent of high levels of renewables, and the increasing importance of storage,
will also add substantially to the policy and coordination challenges that capacity
markets will need to handle. New challenges include creation of an efficient
and well-functioning system of generation, transmission and storage assets
which complement rather than conflict with each other.
Inter alia this means ensuring a mix
of renewable resources that is optimal in terms of diversity, system
compatibility and location. From the perspective of the whole system, for
example, the sites of offshore wind sites should ideally be chosen to minimise
the adverse effect of correlations in the time profiles of their power output,
rather than just its anticipated cost. Theoretically the “energy only” part of
the market would, if weather patterns were clearly reflected in spot prices, reward new supplies anticorrelated with existing
resources. However[JR12]
given the relative infrequency of extreme weather conditions and the multiple
additional factors involved in price spikes, it seems unlikely that this would
become apparent from prices sufficiently quickly to have a significant effect
on investment choices.
also means ensuring that storage is constructed on the scale, and of the types,
that will provide the most benefit to the system as a whole. As in the case of
strengthening the grid, this requires understanding and valuation of the system
benefits storage provides. There are already some clear market opportunities.
One is for short-term storage in batteries, which provide frequency and voltage
regulation. Another is for peak lopping in the form of arbitrage for a few hours
provided by batteries and pumped hydro, which also
provides a short-term operating reserve.[7] Potential revenues from energy
arbitrage on longer timescales seem unlikely to motivate timely investment in
the volumes of new storage capacity that are likely to be needed in the future,
mainly for some of the reasons identified earlier in discussion of market
failure. Large-scale storage projects face particular investment challenges due
to the likely significant capital costs required, potential long lead times
between construction and operational phases, and uncertainties in future
revenue streams.
management of storage to best allow it to balance fluctuations in renewable
supply over different periods of time, also poses questions of coordination.
This requires assignment to and dispatch from different types of store in a
coordinated way, over periods from hours through to months and, in the case of
rare, long-duration periods of low availability of power from renewables,. It
is hard to see how this could happen if suppliers of power and owners of
storage, who will have to years.
Reliance on current energy markets for this to be achieved by independent
actors responding to short term market signals and forecasts of future prices
seems unlikely to meet requirements[8].
general issue of the need for coordination of transmission and generation, and
how this can be achieved is not new, but it is not clear that it can be managed
effectively within existing market and regulatory arrangements. This has been
recognised explicitly in respect of connections to offshore wind farms (where a
better approach reportedly could lead to £6bn+ of savings by 2050[9]).
Similar questions may arise in future in respect of coordination between more
decentralised generation facilities and the lower voltage distribution networks
within which they operate.
towards net zero also implies a wider range of new coordination challenges,
including ensuring that investment
decisions on the demand side (e.g. on how heat will be provided) are phased to
allow timely decisions on the supply side investments needed to meet new demands.
Looking ahead, the design of power
markets is becoming increasingly complex due to the challenges posed by
disruptive technologies such as variable renewable energy, large-scale storage,
and increasingly sophisticated demand side participation.[10]
Delivering enough low carbon
generation and storage capacity, at least cost, with the right mix of
characteristics to meet a growing demand for electricity, and guiding its
operation, are all huge challenges, and will require very large investments as
well as the surmounting of increasingly complex operational challenges. The high-level framework for both investment
and operational decisions can only be set by the Government, in the light of
advice from parties such as Ofgem, the Committee on Climate Change and the
National Infrastructure Commission. It is clear from our analysis that future
arrangements must be i) capable of underpinning the necessary levels of
investment with regulatory or contractual commitments, and ii) able to ensure
greater coordination than can be provided solely by wholesale and retail markets
on their own. This implies that, in the context of a firm high-level framework,
existing institutions and markets should be strengthened or modified to deliver
the coordinated investment and operational decisions that will be needed, and
that some innovative approaches may be required. Some of these possibilities,
and major issues requiring attention in progress to a low carbon future, are discussed below.
One proposed
approach to the reliability issues raised by intermittency, in the context of
the existing capacity market, would be to conduct reverse auctions of the obligation to provide
dispatchable (‘firm’) power and/or peak power. In effect the central body
assuming responsibility for reliability – in this case government – delegates
its responsibility through a contractual obligation placed on the parties
successful in the auction. In order to
meet this obligation, owners of intermittent generation, who generally do not
own (or have the expertise needed to provide) storage, would then have to form
consortia with those who do, and/or form consortia with other suppliers. (Such
consortia already exist: they provide the means to buy shortfalls or
sell surpluses in day-ahead and intraday markets and help to hedge risks). The formation of large consortia would be a
necessity for bidders to provide firm power, but would inevitably reduce
competition, increase the potential for market abuse, and could raise a barrier
to entry for smaller innovative firms. It would also fly in the face of many
people’s belief that the system will or should become less centralised. Moreover it would lose some of the economy of
scale that would result from the ability of the central body to exploit the
diversity in a national system.
Future arrangements should allow investments in generation,
transmission (including interconnectors) and storage to compete on a level
playing field, and hence to be evaluated according to the same criteria. Currently,
however, regulation prohibits the owners of transmission and distribution
networks from owning storage, since this is treated as generation. As an illustration of this issue
and the inconsistencies it raises, some DNOs have begun to consider contracts
with owners of energy storage as an alternative to investing in new network
assets. However, storage
owners will not make large investments dependent on long term revenue streams
without ultra-secure long-term guarantees provided by the regulatory framework
or a long-term contract or both. Network owners have hitherto appeared
reluctant to enter into such long-term contracts. In contrast, the
network owners can recover the cost of network capacity over 40-60 years.
In April 2019, the Electricity System Operator (ESO)
function of National Grid was split away from its network owner function and
given not just responsibility for balancing the system in real time but also
for coordination of investments to enhance the capacity of the main
interconnected transmission network. However, the coordinating role of the ESO
has been controversial. While National Grid’s CEO
has been quoted as saying that the ESO is the ‘obvious’ body to carry out a
network planning and coordinating role[11],
Dermot Nolan (the former CEO of Ofgem) has been reported as saying that
planning and management of the grid[JR13] , on- and offshore, should be taken
away from the National Grid and handed to an independent body with new powers[12].
is in our view clear, for the reasons set out earlier, that new arrangements,
or expansion of existing arrangements, will be needed both to ensure sufficient
investment in low carbon generation and to ensure that adequate security of
supply will be achieved. Measures might include development of the existing
capacity market, the continued use of contracts for difference in long term
contracts, and more aggressive use on carbon pricing. There is also huge scope
for the better reflection of costs related to time of use or reliability
standards. Suppliers should have much more incentives to innovate in respect of
contractual agreements with their customers for a choice of levels of
reliability of supply or type of service delivery. This would enable much more
effective exploitation of the potential for demand side measures and its
coordination with decisions in respect of generation and storage.
may however be necessary to move beyond this, to more formal recognition of the
growing need for some degree of centralised and coordinated procurement of
generating and storage capacity with different capabilities, along with operational
coordination between the players. This could have features similar to the
existing capacity market or an extension of it, and to the institution of a
central buyer[13]
and seller of power at the centre of the system. This, and closely similar
concepts which rely on informal[JR14] coordination within the sector, are
not uncommon internationally, but are a very substantial move from the original
conception of the fully unbundled and liberalised UK market. However that move has already occurred with
the increasing dependence on central government to formulate sector policy and underwrite
new investment, for example through long term contracts.
note that many of these issues, and alternatives, were explored extensively in
a set of four perspectives commissioned by the Energy Technologies[JR15] Institute (forerunner of Catapult)
in 2016.[14]
It is
clear from our analysis that progress to a low carbon economy poses multiple
new challenges for the market, regulatory and governance structures on which we
have relied for the last three decades. To some extent the new questions posed
by low carbon technologies have merely amplified flaws and weaknesses in
existing structures, but our analysis of the potential sources of market
failure indicates a systemic risk to the objectives of low or zero carbon, and
to the future efficient and reliable
operation of the power sector, which it is impossible to ignore. The
most important systemic risks relate to securing investment of the nature and
scale required, and to very broad issues of coordination both within the power
sector and across the larger decarbonisation agenda of heat and transport.
investment in transmission, generation and storage is already recognised to be largely
dependent on forms of long term contractual and regulatory commitment, which
can ultimately only be provided through government, sometimes directly, as with
nuclear, or through obligations placed on bodies which are themselves regulated
monopolies (such as the ESO or network owners). Given the high capital cost of
the technologies needed to move to net-zero, uncertainty in future revenue, and
the need to move quickly to reduce emissions while ensuring security of supply,
it will be necessary to strengthen such commitments in order to ensure a relatively
low cost of capital. This can happen through regulated asset base (RAB) models
in which, in effect, risk is shared with consumers; CfD-like instruments[15];
or through part, or even full, public ownership (which would be one way to
allow whole system benefits to be properly taken into account in investment
decisions) in which case a part of the risk is borne by taxpayers[JR16] .
It is also
abundantly clear that progression to a low carbon power sector is intimately
linked in terms of policy, investment requirement to decisions on how the
transport and heat sectors are decarbonised. The approaches taken to these
sectors will have a profound effect on both the scale and shape of the power
sector. This can only be done at government level, whether central or local/regional
or both. Within the power sector itself, similar considerations suggest the
need for increased reliance on a degree of coordination which is unlikely to be
delivered solely by reliance on current market and regulatory structures.
transition to a net-zero power sector will require increased central
coordination of planning (extending into closely related sectors such as heat
and transport), investment and operational decisions. How much this can be
delivered by strengthening or modifying existing bodies and market structures, and
how much requires more radical change is a more open question. A starting point
for developing future commercial and regulatory arrangements, however, must be
a clear recognition of the challenges; and then how, and by whom, investments
in generation, storage and networks are compared and evaluated.
Failure in the financial and banking system is perhaps the most familiar example
but Mark Carney, in his recent Reith lecture, drew attention to finance, health
and climate as the three most egregious examples of market failure leading to
systemic failure with massive social and economic consequences.
Domestic gas use, for example, does not form part of the scheme.
[3] Original
reference. Lipsey, R. G.; Lancaster, Kelvin (1956). "The General Theory of
Second Best". Review of Economic Studies. 24 (1):
11–32. doi:10.2307/2296233. JSTOR 2296233 JSTOR 2296233
[4] This is
an issue for peaking plants (such as OCGTs) which only operate for a few hours
a year, during which the price is set by their own managed costs.
[6] Enron in
California provided merely one of the most egregious examples. See e.g. Weare,
Christopher (2003) The
California Electricity Crisis: Causes and Policy Options
ISBN 1-58213-064-7;
[7] See
the Appendix for a fuller description of the present uses of, and revenue
streams that support, storage.
[8] The
spot-market was designed (in the era when fossil-fuels dominated) on the
implicit assumption that plant is flexible and electricity dispatch could be
optimised day by day, independently of both past and future. In an era
dominated by variable renewables and (perhaps) inflexible nuclear, with an
increased emphasis on storage and time management, it would seem unlikely that
an energy-only spot market can deliver efficient choices on scheduling and
dispatch of generation, flexible demand and storage over sufficiently long
See report on phase 1 of the National Grid ESO led ‘Offshore Coordination
[10] World
Bank Policy Research Working Paper 8519,
The Times, November 8th, 2020
At the time of legal separation of the Electricity System Operator function of
National Grid from the rest, Ofgem committed to a review during the course of
2020/21 of the effectiveness of legal separation and “a full assessment of both
gas and electricity System Operation”. At the time of writing (November 2020),
the report had not yet been published.
In the UK the National Grid as Electricity System Operator (ESO) would be one
of the candidates for that role.
are several possible approaches in principle to putting a value on
emissions: estimating cost of climate change, estimating implied cost of an
emissions target, and estimating the future cost of extraction from the
atmosphere. While there may be no definitive estimate, it is generally supposed
that the value should be at least $ 75 per tonne of CO2 and possibly
much higher. This compares with typical prices of around $30 (December 2020)
and a low of around $ 4 in 2017. Informal estimates of the future cost of
extraction from the atmosphere have been set as low as $100 compared to a
current “best available technology” of about $600.
[JR2]Original reference. Lipsey, R. G.; Lancaster, Kelvin (1956). "The General
Theory of Second Best". Review of Economic Studies. 24 (1):
11–32. doi:10.2307/2296233. JSTOR 2296233
Useful Wikipedia summary
policy related example was the prohibition on anti-cartel grounds, of
Netherlands generators from a mutual agreement to substitute gas for coal.
completeness we should perhaps add state ownership to the list of remedies, but
for formal analytical purposes this equates to vertically integrated monopoly
in this context.
back to page 2
recent Times article Nolan et al
can in principle then be delegated by contracting for firm capacity from
several sources, an option which is considered in more depth later.
counterexamples are sometimes offered such as the ERCOT approach in Texas.
However ERCOT's members include consumers, electric cooperatives, generators,
power marketers, retail electric providers, investor-owned electric utilities
(transmission and distribution providers), and municipally owned electric
utilities, prima facie providing a collaborative vehicle for informal
coordination and the implicit underwriting of long term investments akin to a
vertically integrated utility.
we mean GB or UK?
back to p.8.
in the day”in 1990 when we were trying to define structures that would actually
work in a competitive market, separating operations and investment would have
been regarded as almost insane Imagine this dictum being applied in almost any
other business. The offshore issue is about or ought to be about coordination
of generation and transmission investment, for very obvious reasons.
the regulatory body for Texas has as its membership the main utilities, while
Ontario Hydro operates the single buyer model.
additional full reports from each author can be viewed via the
links below:
governance and regulation frameworks – time for a change? Keith MacLean,
February 2016
efficient networks for low carbon futures. Jorge Vasconcelos,
February 2016
Policy and Regulation in a Low Carbon Future. John Rhys, January 2016
might be worth referring to the series of papers produced for ETI in 2016, as a
reference for both this and the next para
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