UK grid loses half the power from link to France.
National Grid powers up for a renewables future.
National Grid to be spared from break-up.
(all from FT, November 2016)
The UK
currently faces a tight supply situation through this winter, which may be
exacerbated by downtime on French nuclear plant and partial loss of capacity on
the submarine interconnector. National Grid as the system operator plays a key
role in keeping the lights on, by finding ways to manage these and other
unforeseen events, and balancing supply and demand in real time. It will also
face new challenges in managing generation supply that contains an increasing
proportion of renewable energy, with significant intermittency of supply. These
challenges increasingly emphasise the difficulties in separating the roles of a
transmission operator, managing and maintaining the high voltage network, and a
system operator, directing many aspects of the day to day business of power
generation. As I observed in an earlier comment, Low carbon network infrastructure. Not sufficient
arguments for breaking up National Grid. the
House of Commons Select Committee was ill advised to recommend the break-up of
National Grid on the grounds of an interpretation of regulatory theory that
addresses yesterday’s problems. Keeping these functions together implies that
the government has to address the problems of a difficult low carbon future,
not the outdated paradigms of the 1990s.
Three stories for the UK power sector came together in this
week’s FT, all focused on National Grid, who maintain the UK’s high voltage
long distance transmission network and also act as the system operator,
essentially controlling the operation of the UK’s generating plant in order to
maintain supply/demand balance and stability of power flows within the system.
The first story, National
Grid Powers up for a Renewables Future, describes how National Grid is refocusing
its business to cope with the challenges of renewables.
Some analysts believe we are on the verge of a
fragmentation of the power sector that will eventually lead to much more
emphasis on local power generation and battery storage, making the high voltage
grid redundant. I believe this extreme position is highly improbable, for two
main reasons. First, a very high proportion, at least of new low carbon sources
of power currently anticipated in most projections, is in sources of generation
that are intrinsically either large scale or remote from population centres.
This includes nuclear (excluding for the moment small modular reactors), carbon
capture (CCS) and large scale renewables such as offshore wind. These and
probably other options such as tidal lagoons, depend on access to long distance
transmission to make them viable.
Second, smaller local systems face much bigger balancing problems,
primarily because they lack diversity. Interconnection is therefore a
necessity. There may be some specific issues of network charging, if local
facilities believe local generation and lower “imports” allow them to escape
paying for the back-up services the local system needs, but it is not clear why
these issues should undermine the fundamentals of the National Grid business
It is true that the essentially intermittent nature of many
sources of renewable power will make the Grid’s job, as system operator, more
challenging. Viewed from this perspective even a system as large as the UK can
benefit from additional diversity and from the back-up potentially provided by
interconnection with other networks. This takes us to the second FT story, on
29 November, UK Grid
loses half the power from link to France.
Damage to the cable, possibly from a marine anchor, has temporarily
reduced the capacity of the link. Coinciding with some unanticipated downtime
on French nuclear plants, this increases the risk of a tight supply situation
this winter and a spike in short term market prices (one independent supplier
has already gone to the wall). The impact of this loss of capacity, on France
as well as the UK, emphasises the importance of interconnection for security of
supply, and also the role of the Grid.
This leads us to the third story, National
Grid to be spared from break-up, also on 27 November. The government has
sensibly rejected the recommendations of the Select Committee chaired by the
SNP’s Angus McNeil. As I argued in
an earlier comment, the drive
to a low carbon economy is going to bring profound changes to the power sector.
These start with questions of technology and scale but they have huge
ramifications, and conventional assumptions about markets, regulation and
governance are coming under increasing pressure. Given that governments lack
any technical competence in the power sector, the role of organisations like the
National Grid is becoming more and more important. Now is not the time to take the risks of disruptive organisational change for its own sake.
To embark on a
re-organisation of National Grid, in the absence of a clearer vision of where
we need to get to, and focusing on issues which in a sense are problems of the
old paradigm, may be a mistake. To do so without a clear direction of travel
will simply add to the policy uncertainties already identified as a major
problem for new investment.
For a fuller discussion of
the National Grid break-up question, refer to the earlier article: Low carbon network infrastructure. Not sufficient
arguments for breaking up national grid. Some of these challenges sit at the heart of the Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy.
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