There can be no doubt about which issue is of greater importance
for our future, but the “usual suspects” (our politicians and the commentariat)
largely divide along the same lines on both. And in each case trade should be a crucial element in the
policy mix and the political arguments.
Brexit may be a forgotten issue in twenty years’ time (although
it might not be wise to put money on that), but we can guarantee that
climate change will still be with us,
most likely with ever more serious manifestations in terms of extreme weather
and disruptive droughts and floods, but also with less time left to avoid
climate catastrophe. We can also guarantee that under these conditions it, or
rather the politics of mitigation and adaptation, will be climbing steadily higher
on the political agenda.

So there is a strong case for arguing that climate issues should
be the primary focus of our big political choices. The contrary case of course
is that climate change is a global problem and requires global solutions. UK
commitment to zero carbon targets is of little value unless it is widely matched
across the world. (Hence the importance of the Paris Agreement). In consequence
the decisions that will have the biggest near and medium term consequences, in
terms of employment, income and general well-being, will be those that relate
to our trading relationships with our nearest neighbours in Europe, in other words
the Brexit debate.
But these two issues have, in the context of British and US
politics, become inextricably linked together by the motives and ideologies of
the main protagonists in the debate.
I wrote extensively on this subject inJuly 2016.
“Predictably, in the light of the Brexit vote, Nigel
Lawson’s Global Warming Policy Foundation has called for a de facto reversal of
UK policy in relation to climate issues. This is wholly unsurprising
given that so many of the moving spirits in the Leave campaign – Lawson
himself, Redwood, Rees Mogg, together with several of the small band of Brexit
economists, and the Institute for Economic Affairs, have for many years
engaged in passionate denial of both the climate evidence and the climate
The reasons for the correlation are clear. Commitment to
and support for neo-liberal views of unfettered free markets and a minimal
state are threatened, both by a Europe that does not always share those views
and by a global danger whose resolution depends on global cooperation. Should
this further attempt to advance the neo-liberal agenda be a cause for any
I argued, correctly in the event, that the Lawson pitch would
not be heeded. “The answer is almost certainly not. The costs of Brexit for
the power sector may be high, but the climate policy imperatives are likely to
be unchanged.”
The historic link between support for Brexit and climate
science denial is however indisputable.
It has extended not only to many other Conservative MPs, but to Farage
and UKIP (forerunner of the Brexit party), to Donald Trump and even to Brexit
voting Labour MPs such as Graham Stringer, given his close association with
Lawson’s Global Warming Policy Foundation. Also indisputable is the connection,
in ideological terms, between promotion of Brexit and small state, minimal
regulation, low tax, free trade ideologies.
What is interesting now is the speed with which the Conservative
party is abandoning, or pretending to abandon, most of the electorally inconvenient elements of this ideology.
It is now committing itself, belatedly, to the kind of strong commitments on
climate – zero carbon by 2050 for the UK – pioneered by Tony Blair in the 2008
Climate Act. But it is also, at least in its promises, committing to much
higher levels of public spending, and an enlarged public sector, which are equally
incompatible with the neo-liberal vision of the world.
For those of us who recognise the overwhelming imperatives for
action on climate issues, it will be important to recognise the impact of
Brexit on UK energy and climate policies, including some of the conflicts with
other cherished beliefs and policies. Brexit would not necessarily have an immediate impact on UK freedom
of action on climate related measures, other than through its almost inevitable
consequence of reducing national income and hence affordability.
This is partly because EU-wide policies such as the emissions
trading scheme have been of limited success, and partly because the physical
infrastructure of interconnections with Europe will remain and be used for
mutually beneficial trades. The UK might even in principle enjoy greater freedoms
in state aids for the energy sector without the restrictions of a Europe wide competition
As the EU scheme develops however it may provide members with
potentially more efficient means to meet their carbon targets through trading,
but it will be a scheme from which the UK is likely to remain excluded. Much more important
however will be the longer term loss of UK influence on global climate initiatives,
and most important will be the likely collision of climate policies with UK
aspirations for international trade.
Increasingly countries making serious attempts
to reduce carbon emissions will find it difficult to tolerate the export of
jobs in energy intensive sectors to countries that pursue more lax policies.
Climate policies will necessarily intrude into trade negotiations.
Since the Conservative Brexit narrative, despite the blizzard
of other danger signals on pharmaceuticals, agriculture and regulatory standards,
is based largely around a new trade deal with the US, this creates a serious
inconsistency between their promises on carbon reduction and their post Brexit
philosophy on trade. The US has already removed itself from the Paris
Agreement, and is likely to retain a strong interest in protecting its own coal
industry and promotion of coal exports, while countries adopting more responsible
climate policies will not be willing to see their own industries penalised.
This leads on to issues that the Conservative party has so far been unwilling
to confront.
Brexiters will have many more questions to answer.
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